New Job
Today, after almost 10 years I’ve put in my papers to change jobs.
On March 22, 2018 I accepted an offer from a new employer in a different industry, and today (March 23rd) I put in my notice.
This will be my 6th job in 21 years, so I’m not exactly a frequent changer, and this wasn’t the easiest decision.
But, there are a number of positive things coming as part of the new position:
- Much shorter commute (about 15 miles less one way)
- Several co-workers I already know (although with those characters that might be mixed
- An escape from cubicles
- A nice mix of things I’m already familiar with and new products/experiences.
In discussions with IT leadership at the new employer, the main things I’ll be working on to start with are:
- Implementing ConfigMgr/SCCM
- Deploying Solarwinds Orion
- Helping the current team:
- pay off technical debt
- clear out backlogged requests/projects
- homogenize and stabilize environment
I’ll be starting the new position on April 9th, so after that expect some new posts on the new environment and my projects.