What’s on that port?
What’s on that port?
Today, the network admin at $WORK contacted me, saying while running a ZenMap on part of one of the offices, he found several Windows PCs in the AP and Payroll departments that were listening on 80/tcp. This gave him the willies, so he reached out to me to find out WTF.
Once the IPs of the PCs were converted to names, it was time to investigate.
First, let’s make sure they’re still online and listening as expected:
$PCs = 'PC1','PC2','PC3'
$PCS | Foreach-object {Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $_ -CommonPort HTTP}
(Had to use the Foreach as Test-NetConnection doesn’t allow an array for ComputerName)
This showed that yes, all three were online, reachable and accepting connections for inbound HTTP traffic. Now let’s see what process is listening on the port:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $PCs -ScriptBlock {netstat -ano | findstr :80}
On each computer, the process listening on port 80 had PID 4 (far right column). On a Windows machine, PID 4 is SYSTEM, aka the kernel.
This meant that it wasn’t a user process listening on port 80, so the odds of it being malware or the like went down dramatically.
It also meant that it was almost definitely from the Windows built-in, kernel level HTTP listener (http.sys)
Maybe they had something like IIS, MSMQ, etc. installed?
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $pcs -Credential $admin -ScriptBlock {
Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online |
Where-Object {($_.FeatureName -like '*web*' -or $_.FeatureName -like '*http*') -and $_.state -eq "Enabled"}
Nope, no hits there.
A bit of Googling for ‘http.sys show http listener’ revealed the handy command netsh http show urlacl, so…
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $pcs -ScriptBlock {netsh http show urlacl | findstr :80}
Those look like GUIDs. To the Google!
And one of the first hits was: How can I determine why the System process is listening on port 80?
This indicated BranchCache, which is harmless but maybe undesirable now.